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Every detail you need to know before hiring your first Software House

Are you a brand trying to bring your own merchandise to mobile phones? Are you a business wanting to create a CMS system for your internal processes? Or are you an entrepreneur trying to create a prototype?

There’s one thing common with all these people: looking for a Software House.

It’s easy to know what you want to develop but difficult to find reliable people who can execute the task in a timely and fashionable manner. Being on the hunt for a software development company can sound quite an intimidating task especially when it’s someone who isn’t really sure of the nitty gritty details of a software development.

Don’t you fear. We are here to help you out and guide you about the exact things to look for when you are scouring through your options of the highly saturated market of software development.

  • Choosing the type
    • First off, you have to understand that since there are so many software houses out there all over the globe, you will be looking into onshore, offshore and hybrid models. Here’s a condensed version of these terms without being too overwhelming:
      • Offshore – companies that are not in the same geographical location as you
      • Onshore – companies that are in the same geographical location as you
      • Hybrid – companies that manage worldwide
    • Now in all of this, you have to decide whether you want a company whom you can visit every day and nag about about the updates or you’re fine contracting with someone from other side of the globe and getting online updates of every minute, every task.
  • You have to supervise
    • One thing which you may have noticed in the previous point is that you need a channel to get daily updates. This stands true no matter what type of software development company you choose. Creating a software means making sure that every next move yields the exact results that you have been aiming for. Supervising is a big part of it all.
  • Be clear and precise
    • It’s very important that you are clear about what you want and you convey that to the team as well. There is no space for miscommunication in a project like software development. Be sure that your team is on the same page as you. We have seen instances where developers were asked to write a code for management app but they ended up writing prose for a book (not literally, but literally iykwim)
  • Be realistic with your expectations
    • We know you want to develop a software which does things that haven’t been done before but you also have to remember there are certain limitations even to the ever-expandable technology. If a developer tells you it’s realistically impossible to get a specific thing done to the code, maybe they are right about it and you have to look into the do-ability of the content. Though, you certainly don’t have to compromise on your original vision and the intention you came to a certain software house in the first place.
  • Have a flexible budget
    • Most companies would give you a budget for the development of the app over a course of a few months but delays happen all the time – especially considering the unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 which halted all the business processes in its tracks. Always be prepared with a flexible budget – preferably on the higher side.

Once you have considered all the above points and feel ready to dive into the companies you may want to consider more than just 2 options. We would recommend short listing at least 5 good companies after going through an extensive list.

Invision Technologies can run as a great potential candidate in terms of a software house that is expert, flexible and running its operations for the last 15 years. Find more about us here.



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